The Growing Engagement
of Emergent Concerned
Groups in Political and
Economic Life
Lessons from the French Association of
Neuromuscular Disease Patients
Michel Callon
Vololona Rabeharisoa
Ecole des Mines de Paris
This article discusses the notion of emergent
concerned groups and explores
how these groups contribute to shaping the relations
between techno science,
politics, and economic markets. The first part
presents the case of the French
Association of patients suffering from muscular
dystrophies. This history
suggests that under certain conditions, emergent
concerned groups are able
to impose a new form of articulation between
scientific research and political
identities by directly linking the issues of research
content and results to
that of their place in the collective. The second part
argues that the evolution
of economic markets, combined with that of science and
technology, leads to
a multiplication of those emergent concerned groups.
The study of the conditions
under which these emergent groups become legitimate
as well as the analysis of their impact on market organization
and technoscientific
institutions are key research topics for the near
Keywords: patient organizations; emergent concerned groups;
markets; social movements
Current questioning of the modes of governance of
science (at least in
Western countries) frequently highlights the limits of
the delegation of
authority from the political to the scientific system
(Guston 2000; Callon,
Science, Technology, &
Human Values
Volume 33 Number 2
March 2008 230-261
© 2008 Sage Publications
hosted at
Authors’ Note: Please address correspondence to Michel Callon, Centre
de Sociologie de
l’Innovation, Ecole des Mines de Paris, 60 Boulevard
Saint-Michel, Paris 75006, France;
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Lascoumes, and Barthe 2001; Jasanoff 2003). This
delegation has not
prevented researchers from being mobilized by large
military programs, nor
has it excluded them from participation in the
innovation activities of industrial
firms (Pestre 2003). What it has produced, however,
which analysts
have highlighted, is the exclusion of civil society
that has only rarely been
invited to take part in debate and decisions about the
orientations of the
technosciences and even less so in the process of
knowledge production.
The notion of civil society may be useful for
underscoring the limitations
imposed by the prevailing institutional
configurations, but it tends to be
misleading in its assumption of a double divide, what
Callon, Lascoumes,
and Barthe (2001) have called a double delegation,
between experts and lay
people and between ordinary citizens and
quasi-professional decision makers.
It is furthermore meaningless for analyzing and
understanding situations in
which actors try to blur the distinction between the
public and private
spheres. There are probably several ways of avoiding
being trapped in these
dichotomies. The aim of this article is to explore one
such possibility. We would
like to show how the notion of emergent groups who are
concerned by the
development and effects of the technosciences could
shed light on the
establishment of a new type of relationship between
science, politics, and
economic markets.
In the first part we briefly present the history of a
French association of
patients with muscular dystrophy (MD), the Association
française contre
les myopathies (AFM). This history serves to
illustrate what we mean by
emergent concerned groups. It shows how patients were
able to construct
their individual and collective identities owing to
the association’s intense
engagement in scientific and technological research
activities—an engagement
that enabled them to change their ontological status.
Considered for a very
long time as freaks of nature, MD patients became
human beings in their
own right. Their disabilities and problems are now
explained in terms of
genetic faults that research has made it possible to
characterize. It is the
recognition of this new identity, constructed around
genes and prostheses,
that the association has fought for in the public
sphere through intense
political mobilization. The AFM’s history suggests
that under certain conditions,
emergent concerned groups are able to impose a new
form of articulation
between scientific research and political debate by
directly linking
the issues of research content and results to their
role in the collective.
Is the AFM an exception? Or is it an extreme and
therefore striking
example of a wider phenomenon? To answer this general
question we need
to start by asking how such emergent groups appear.
The second part considers
the proliferation of emergent concerned groups from
the point of
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view of the mechanisms explaining their appearance. We
argue that the
evolution of economic markets, combined with that of
science and technology,
creates conditions for a multiplication of the
emergent groups concerned.
These may be orphan groups that like the AFM strive to
have their problems
taken into consideration, or they may be groups
affected by unexpected
overflowing, the nature and effects of which they want
to understand.
Whether orphaned or affected, these groups are
characterized by the fact
that they are concerned by technoscientific
development and applications.
Like the AFM they might be incited to undertake
investigations and research,
both to clarify the problems they face and to explore
possible solutions.
In the conclusion we suggest that it is interesting to
study these groups
and the course they follow because they could tend to
induce the reorganization
of double delegation and economic activities.
Emergent Concerned Groups: The Case of the
French Association of MD Patients
In this section we use the case of the French
association of MD patients
to introduce the notion of an emergent concerned
group. The formation of
social groups and their reproduction are key questions
for sociology.
Available answers are nevertheless unsuited to the
cases of interest to us
here. Generally, they assume that the identity of the
group is based on values,
projects, practices, interests, or habitus shared by
its potential members.
This type of approach does not apply to emergent
concerned groups, whose
identity is an achievement rather than a starting
point, a primum movens.
Moreover, the construction of this identity is the
outcome of real research
in which the groups are heavily engaged and that leads
to the production of
entities (in this case of genes and various
sociotechnical prosthetic devices)
that participate in shaping their identity. The AFM’s
history, briefly outlined
here, shows how this transformation takes place and
causes the concerned
group to articulate science and politics in an
original way.
From (Passive) Exclusion to (Active) Inclusion
The AFM plays an original and important part in French
society, in both
the medical and scientific fields as well as the
political and economic spheres
(Rabeharisoa 2006). Through its annual television
program Le Téléthon,1 the
organization collects increasingly large sums of
money: €100 million in
2004 and a total of €700 million since its inception
in 1987.
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A substantial proportion of this money (about 70
percent) is used to support
biological and clinical research. This has enabled the
AFM to play a key
part in genetic and genomic research (for a detailed
analysis of the organization’s
history, see Rabeharisoa and Callon 1999). The
contribution of the
Généthon, a technology platform decided on and
financed by the AFM, has
been crucial in the human genome sequencing project.
The organization has
also supported the creation and development of teams
that have been highly
successful on the international scene, and not only in
the field of neuromuscular
diseases. Compared to public research organizations
that tend to
shy away from new research areas, at least in France,
it has proved to be
highly flexible, as, for instance, in its decision to
move into the field of
genotherapies (Givernaud and Picard 2001). One study
shows that the association
has had a significant impact on Centre National de la
recherche scientifique
(CNRS) research orientations in the life sciences
(Kahane 2000). The AFM has
furthermore demonstrated the extent of its influence
through its instrumental
role in the government’s decision to launch a national
program for the creation
of Genopoles, and it has contributed directly toward
the creation of the first
of these Genopoles in Evry by donating facilities and
equipment from the
Généthon (Tambourin 2005). In the scientific and
medical spheres, its intervention
has encompassed more than genetics. It has also
supported clinical
research and built up an entire network of
consultations devoted to MD
patients. Through its technical publications for both
professionals and the
general public, and through the Téléthon, it
has contributed toward the diffusion
and popularization of genetic knowledge. It has also
been directly
active in the economic sector by supporting start-ups
and entering into partnerships
with industry. From the outset its frame of reference
was international:
in all cases, whenever it was unable to find
scientific or economic
partners in France, it looked for them abroad.
Finally, the AFM has played
a less visible but equally crucial part in the area of
disabilities (Winance
2001). For instance, it contributed to the conception
and implementation of
a new form of assistance for disabled persons. It has
been, and still is, at the
center of political demands for the right to
compensation (on all these
subjects, see Callon 2006.)
This scientific and political activism has generated a
great deal of hostility
and countless accusations. Public research bodies have
viewed the AFM’s
growing influence with some anxiety and have
repeatedly accused it of
using its (additional) money to impose its own
interests and priorities on
scientists whose salaries are paid by tax payers. Some
cabinet ministers have
even tried to impose their regulatory authority on the
organization, claiming
that the funds collected could be considered as “public”
money and that the
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State therefore has to control its use (Barataud
1992). Scientists whose
research options and advice were refused at some point
by the AFM have
mounted press campaigns to denounce its choices. In
the early 1990s they
criticized the risky technological investments of the
Généthon and later the
concentration of funds on genotherapies. For a long
time intellectuals were
indignant about the show put on for the Téléthon,
with its display of suffering
intended solely, they claimed, “to make grannies cry
so that they’ll
donate money.” Gradually, their criticism abated in
the public sphere, but
critics are still set to pounce at the slightest
opportunity. The AFM has been
undeterred by this criticism and jealousy. In 2004
Bernard Barataud, the
organization’s charismatic leader who engaged it in
this exceptional adventure,
was awarded the annual University of California, San
Diego (UCSD)
and Nature Medicine prize for “people or institutions
that have made a
noteworthy contribution to the development of
molecular biology for therapeutic
treatment of human diseases” (November 2007). In the
same year
he also received the Ile-de-France Entrepreneur of the
Year award as well
as the national Enterprising Spirit award by Ernst
& Young and the magazine
The AFM’s success, reflected in the organization’s
active and influential
presence in the scientific, political, economic, and
media spheres, is even
more impressive in light of its humble beginnings
(Barral et al. 1991). The
organization was created in the late 1950s by a few
families with children
diagnosed with MD. At the time, people with severe MD
were hardly considered
as human beings. Testimonies abound (Barataud 1992;
1988) showing how they were described as monsters or “errors
of nature.”
It was almost impossible to consider the affected
individual as a person who
could be separated from the disease from which she or
he was suffering. In the
absence of professional communities structured around
this pathology, being
an MD patient was a state and meant exclusion from
society and culture
(Callon 2006). Only a handful of professionals were
interested in these
diseases. There was no cure, no care, no research, no
constituted facts, and
no causal relationships on which to draw to find
solutions—only matters of
concern and questions. It was to fight against this
exclusion and indifference
that in 1958 some parents decided to create the AFM.
The changes in the past few decades have been striking.
In 1950 MD
patients were excluded from common humanity; thirty
years later they were
considered as human beings in their own right. They
had crossed the border,
back into the realm of human beings, where they were
simply singularized
by a few genetic particularities. In the late 1950s
they were undifferentiated
MD patients; since the 1980s they have been
unfortunate human beings
234 Science, Technology, & Human Values
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affected by a particular disease, generally
monogenetic, which explains why
their bodies are so dramatically crippled and why they
die earlier than other
people. Uncertainties remain, especially on the
possibility of preventing
diseases and of finding therapies quickly. But many
facts have been produced
that make it possible to define options and to
elaborate strategies. Professional
networks—researchers, doctors, occupational
therapists, and care officers—
have been established, and patients with their
families have formed groups
to work together. Neuromuscular diseases are finally
on the list of those
covered by Social Security. People suffering from them
have gone from a
situation of passive exclusion to one of active
The association’s history is a clear illustration of
what we call an emergent
concerned group and of one of the trajectories that
such a group is likely to
follow. In 1950 the population of MD patients was
fragmented and could
hardly be considered as anything more than a
juxtaposition of individuals and
their relatives. Their status (quasi-nonhuman beings
and, what is more,
children) reduced to virtually nothing, they lacked
the ability to define an
identity and to perceive and defend their own
particular interests. The
families themselves were unsure, wavering between
abandonment (doctors
told mothers not to become too attached to their
children because they were
doomed to die), guilt (“we’re responsible for this
mistake”), and revolt
(“we’ve got to do something to save them”). The only
things that federated
these beings (relatives, parents, and sick children)
were the shared concerns,
worries, and problems that they could connect to the
name of a disease provided
by the medical profession for nearly a century but
that seemed to be a
death sentence, with no constituted knowledge and no
research effort offering
some hope of a solution or some way out of ignorance.
Referring to a concerned
group means underscoring the fact that beings feel
bound by the
matters of concern that they share and express with
words common to them
all, words that have meaning. Qualifying these groups
as emergent means
indicating that nothing is stabilized: identities are
problematic and, in this
case, in the most radical way possible (are they
really human beings?). The
interests to defend are inchoate, changing, and, above
all, defined by third
parties (parents and friends). Identity and interests
are the outcomes, and not
the causes, of the action itself (Callon and Law
Particularly interesting, in the AFM case, is the fact
that a few decades
later the situation has become much clearer and the
uncertainties have
lifted, at least partially. Expectations, interests,
and projects have been
formed and then stabilized, constituted, and
entrenched in networks and
communities where they belong and are recognized. The
worries have not
disappeared; these groups are still concerned, but in
the meantime identities
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have been shaped, asserted, and recognized; a form of
has been obtained; and causal relations explaining
their situation have been
demonstrated, thus paving the way for strategic
actions. It is this dramatic
transformation that we would like to explain.3
To understand how this group created its own identity,
we need to focus
our analysis on patients’ and their families’
engagement in the research
undertaking that was to spawn new entities: the genes
responsible for the
disease. These genes allowed the construction of a
particular identity and
provided the patients and their families with the
resources and arguments
needed to defend that identity in the public sphere.
The dynamics of emergent
concerned groups and the actions that they undertake
are unintelligible
without the nonhumans that their investigations bring
to light.
The Two Paths and Their Articulation
How was an emergent group, consisting of individuals
concerned by their
own death and suffering or those of their children,
able to construct a collective
identity, be recognized, and transform their position
of exclusion into one
of inclusion? This shift was clearly more than a
simple move: “our children
were excluded; now they are included.” It was
necessary for both the patients
and their social environment to change. In short, we
would say that it was
possible owing to a dual movement or, rather, a dual
detour, the first via
research and the second, closely linked to the first,
via political advocacy.
We claim that in order to understand how emergent
concerned groups
are sometimes capable of constructing stabilized
identities, goals, interests,
or preferences, it is necessary to examine all the
investigations, inquiries,
and research studies that these groups undertake to
find solutions to the
problems they face. From this point of view the AFM is
an exemplary case,
for it expressed its strategy in these terms very
early on (probably due to the
radical nature of the matter of concern: becoming
full-fledged human
beings). To describe this strategy it referred, from a
very early stage in its
history, to two paths to explore: the path to cure and
the path to citizenship
(two phrases coined by the AFM). The former led the
organization to focus
on genes, proteins, stem cells, and so on; the latter
prompted it to fight for the
recognition of all handicapped people’s rights and to
propose appropriate
compensatory sociotechnical prosthetic devices. These two
paths constantly
intersected, and the question of their priority in
relation to each other was
repeatedly debated within the organization. They
helped to construct a
genetic identity that was gradually transformed into a
genetic citizenship
(Heath, Rapp, and Tausig 2004; Rose and Novas 2005).
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It is this twofold exploration that we will now
consider, focusing essentially
on the huge investments that had to be made, for
stabilizing an identity and
having it recognized required the mobilization of many
The path to cure: genetic identity. What is striking in the AFM’s history
is the intensity and variety of the modalities of
engagement in biological
and clinical research. Basically, these engagements
have taken three forms,
the relative importance of which has varied with time
although they have
always been present in one way or another.
From the outset, the organization was engaged in a process
of problematization
(Dewey 1916; Callon 1980a; Foucault 1994; Rabinow
2004; Miller
and Rose 2008). For the families involved, the aim was
to clarify matters of
concern and to make them more explicit, that is, to
identify problems and
then to formulate questions that would be attractive
to the few specialists
likely to take an interest in the subject. This
problematization entailed a primitive
accumulation of knowledge that was to last throughout
the 1960s and
’70s. In this process information was gathered about
the different ways in
which the diseases evolved and about the treatments,
diets, physiotherapy,
and prosthetic material that seemed to have beneficial
effects. Very soon it
enabled the AFM to disprove certain assertions by
specialists, essentially on
patients’ life expectancy and the evolution of their
disease. Subject/objects,
which until then were treated as invisible and
unobservable, were subjected
to observation and scientific scrutiny.
Proto-instruments (that produced
inscriptions) were used: films and photos taken by the
families were shown
and discussed; working groups were formed; inquiries
were launched;
white papers were drafted, circulated, commented on,
and revised; and so on.
The group became a producer of information and
knowledge. The term
“researchers in the wild” is certainly apt since there
were no confined laboratories
on which they could rely (Callon 2003).
This work of intense problematization at the beginning
of the association’s
life was never interrupted because the diseases and
the patients’ living conditions
(and especially the lengthening of their life
expectancy) constantly
raised new questions and posed new problems.
Once the first cooperation had been launched with
researchers and doctors,
the AFM did not withdraw from research as such. In
this respect it
diverged from the standard model in which laypersons
alert researchers to a
problem and then leave the monopoly of knowledge
production to them. Nor
did it deprive specialists of the right and ability to
fulfill their role and make
their contribution. In a pragmatic way, and before the
notion had been conceived
of to describe new modes of organization of research
and innovation,
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it contributed to the formation of a community of
knowledge or what we
prefer calling hybrid research collectives.
These collectives consisted of
researchers from different disciplines, practitioners,
technologists, medical
professionals, parents, and patients. But their
description cannot be limited to
such a list. To understand the functioning, dynamics,
and modes of coordination
of these collectives, it is necessary to take into
account the active role of all
the material, nonhuman entities that are part of them
(see Amin and
Cohendet [2004] for a successful combination of actor–network
[ANT], distributed action, and a cognitive approach). With
the development
of the AFM, the growth of its financial resources, the
multiplication of
research agendas, and the survival of patients, these
collectives (that the
organization called interest groups) proliferated in
various forms. Some
were collectives constituted around a particular
disease, for example, MD
of Duchenne, spinal muscular atrophy, or myasthenia.
Others were formed
around an organ such as the heart, which is a muscle
of a particular nature
that may be affected when patients live longer. This
required many observations,
experiments, and interpretations to be developed and
especially by joint task forces. In the clinical
domain, groups were formed,
for example, around the tracheotomy or arthrodesis.
The social sciences were
included as well: groups bringing together
psychosociologists, psychiatrists,
and sick persons were constituted on subjects that are
traditionally treated
by patient organizations, such as accompaniment toward
death, bioethical
issues, and prolongation of life by medical means. On
all these subjects the
contributions by the patients and their families were
highly innovative. For
example, this collaboration between patients and
specialists proved to be
productive on “new” issues such as the organization of
periods of respite,
enabling families and patients not to be constantly
dependent on each other.
These research collectives have varying life spans. In
them the specific
role of patients ranges from mere auxiliaries to researchers
in their own
right who even sign scientific publications in
academic journals. In some
cases patients act as intermediaries between disjoint
specialties that were
previously unaware of the others’ work. They compile
information, translate
articles, and write on the states of the art. In
short, depending on the
circumstances, the diseases, and their own education,
they may become
involved in any research-related occupation, from the
laboratory bench to
the dissemination of information, clinical observation,
or the adaptations of
therapies or prostheses. What counts here is their
involvement in collectives
that without them would not function in the same way
or produce exactly
the same knowledge, simply because they would focus on
problems formulated
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The association has also played a key part in the orientation
of research,
that is, in the definition of a research and
innovation policy in the full sense
of the term. This is remarkable since France is one of
the Western countries
in which the delegation model was taken to its
extreme. From the outset the
AFM rejected this model. The governing board, composed
exclusively of
patients or their parents, constantly maintained its
decision-making powers.
It granted researchers the autonomy they needed,
recognizing the value of
their propositions, but kept a firm hand on the reins.
This strategy was
reflected, in particular, in dramatic decisions that
turned a part of the scientific
community against the AFM, such as the association’s
decision to
build the Généthon and, more recently, to launch out
into genotherapies,
thus discontinuing its support for teams working
higher upstream that were
accustomed to receiving its financial backing.
This type of political prowess is rooted in a
remarkable understanding of
the rules by which the scientific community functions
(in several of his
writings, Bernard Barataud [1992] has proposed sharp
analyses of the
research community and especially of the mechanisms of
replication of
results). It has also been expressed and reflected,
above all, in the creation
of governance structures and procedures of financing
and support that were
cruelly lacking in the French government and public
research bodies. This
level of reflection and strategic orientation requires
that certain patients be
capable of entering into the black box of knowledge.
It was this strategic
competence that prompted the organization to decide,
against the advice of
influential scientists, to build the research
facilities that have enabled it to
pursue and to control research activities and the
choice of research thrusts.
The AFM also formulated a very precise doctrine on its
own position in the
French scientific community, defining its role in
relation to those of public
research bodies and firms and proposing original ideas
on the boundary
between public and private, general interest and
particular interest.
This strategic work has been performed essentially by
people without
any specific university training, who sought no advice
from experts in the
social sciences or strategic management. In a
merit-based country such as
France, this mixture of respect and lack thereof is
something exceptional and
almost jubilatory: neither scientism nor
antiscientism, just an immoderate
passion for research and a keen awareness of the fact
that choices have to
be made and that those choices cannot be left up to
scientists alone.
The AFM, by triggering the creation of research
collectives, contributing
to their development, participating in their
activities, and ranking their priorities,
did not limit itself exclusively to scientific or
technical investigation. It
embarked on another adventure: the construction and
the defense of new
identities. This is the point that we now wish to
consider briefly.
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240 Science, Technology, & Human Values
The path to citizenship. The progressive construction of patients’ identity
has been directly associated with the organization’s
engagement in
genetic and clinical research. Owing to this
engagement, patients are
“socialized”; they become stakeholders in scientific,
clinical, medical, and
social networks. As in classical ANT case studies,
this socialization, which
takes them from a situation of exclusion to one of
inclusion, is mainly
effected by nonhumans. They are the ones that by
circulating and linking
heterogeneous entities produce and determine the shape
of networks of
alliances and solidarity. For example, the gene, whose
deletions are responsible
for the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) disease, links
patients and
their families to various actors, including the
researchers at the Necker
Hospital who took samples of their DNA and ended up
locating and identifying
the gene, the clinicians who performed prenatal tests,
researchers who published articles on the activity of
proteins produced by
the gene or worked on models of transgenic mice, and
so forth. This
sociotechnical network, with its ramifications all the
way to North America,
would never have existed without the activity of this
gene that appears in
cell banks, is expressed in the inscriptions produced
by instruments, influences
decisions during prenatal diagnoses, appears in
articles published by
researchers, and makes tracheotomies acceptable and
bearable. Moreover,
and this point is crucial, it would have had neither
the same form nor the
same distribution (or ubiquity) if the patients and
families had not invested
in each stage of the research, from the gene hunt, to
the diffusion of knowledge,
through the creation of research facilities. It is via
this process of
inclusion, in which one of the most powerful operators
is the gene itself,
that patients exist as recognized actors and
progressively shape their own
evolving multiple identities. As Strathern (1999) put
it, it is through the
mediation of nonhumans that the social proliferates
and human persons are
produced. The gene, hunted, inspected, tamed, or in
the process of being
tamed, participates in the construction of long and
highly differentiated
sociotechnical networks, transforming monsters into
human beings in their
own right, well integrated into constantly evolving
webs of relations. As
Rabinow stated, one could say that these constantly
reconfigured collectives
share genes and proteins. They also have “medical
specialists, laboratories,
narratives, traditions, and a heavy panoply of
pastoral keepers to help them
experience, share, intervene and understand their fate”
(Rabinow 1996).
To be recognized, an identity, especially when it is
unusual and departs
from regular models, has to become visible and capable
of making itself heard.
This is where the path of citizenship and its constant
articulation to the path
of cure comes in. These two engagements (in research
and in citizenship) are
closely linked.
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To guarantee their social existence it was not only
necessary for patients
to be considered as active participants of biological
and clinical research,
they also had to be recognized as full-fledged persons
by the professions
that normally cared for and helped patients and as
citizens in their own
right. In 1989 the combination of the path to cure and
the path to citizenship
was the subject of a general policy statement by the
then president of the
AFM. This policy was based on the International
Classification of Impairments,
Disabilities and Handicaps, published by the World
Health Organization in
1980. The classification was based on the fact that
due to medical advances,
acute diseases were tending to become chronic, and
these chronic diseases
transformed the lives of patients and the role of
medicine. It completed the
International Classification of Diseases by
recognizing that at the end of the
twentieth century someone’s state of health could no
longer be defined
exclusively by the fact of having a disease or not,
since the fact of living or
not with impairments that could be the source of
disabilities and handicaps
was equally relevant.
The AFM was to adopt that classification, but with an
amendment. To
the original three categories of impairments,
disabilities, and handicaps, it
added the category of lesions to mark its will to
fight against the disease
from its organic causes to its social consequences.
The classification as
amended by the AFM clearly indicated that its two
objectives—summed up
in the slogan “Help and Cure”—had to go hand in hand.
Above all, it
enabled the AFM to match four areas of action to four
categories of the
International Classification of Handicaps as defined
by it in Table 1.
This scheme associated the path to cure with that of
citizenship, with a
common goal: radically transforming the MD patient’s
status. From a monster
close to death, the patient became a human being
suffering from a disease—
the causes and physiopathological mechanisms of which
were being sought in
order to eventually be able to cure it—and a person
with a life project aside
from her or his disease.
To put this ontological change into practice, the AFM
designed and
developed a series of sociotechnical arrangements
enabling patients to
Table 1
The Two Paths and Their Articulation
(1) Lesion → Domain of science The path to cure
(2) Impairment → Domain of medicine The path to cure
(3) Disability → Domain of rehabilitation The path to
(4) Handicap → Domain of social integration The path to
Source: Association française contre les myopathies
scientific committee, April 28, 1989.
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define and accomplish their life projects. A case in
point is the Services
Régionaux d’Aide et d’Information (SRAI), local
services for help and
information, which the AFM created in 1989. These
services’ mission is to
act as an interface between medicosocial networks and
the patients’ families,
whether they are members of the AFM or not. Each
service, under the
responsibility of a director, consists of four or five
care officers, on average.
These care officers usually have a paramedical
background (occupational
therapists, social workers, physiotherapists,
specialized educators), although
the work they perform in the SRAI differs
substantially from their original
occupation. An ethnographic study lasting more than
two years in ten
SRAIs enabled us to characterize this work
(Rabeharisoa and Callon 2000).
It consists of analyzing the situation jointly with
the family that requests it,
defining a life project for the patient and her or his
family, and then helping
them to carry out that project, even if institutional
actors see it as unviable.
The care officers are thus professionals who act on
behalf of patients and
their families, defending their needs and wants in the
medicosocial networks.
They are clearly representatives of the families in
the medicosocial community,
are perceived as such, and are committed to their
In parallel the AFM set up an individual financial
support mechanism to
enable patients and their families to buy the
prostheses that they required,
provided they also applied to institutional
financiers. The organization furthermore
designed and built dwellings offering the most
disabled (those
with SMA in an advanced stage) a social and technical
infrastructure that
made an autonomous individual life possible. Finally,
the AFM played an
instrumental part in drafting a law on disabilities,
passed in February 2005,
in which the rights of people living with disabilities
were enshrined, including
their right to compensation.
Articulation of the genetic and prosthetic citizen. In its quest to construct
the collective identity of MD patients, the AFM
followed an original trajectory.
It did not simply unite individuals and make them
aware of their
similarities and common interests. Instead, it
manufactured their identity by
putting together heterogeneous elements. This can be
described as a
process of articulation that in the public sphere
allowed the expression of
and the demand for an identity shaped by scientific
and technical exploration,
an identity made of genes, proteins, and various
sociotechnical prosthetic
arrangements. We could say that it is a matter of
articulating genetic and
prosthetic identities as genetic and prosthetic
citizenships (Heath, Rapp,
and Taussig 2004). This sentence, which obviously
simplifies the process,
nevertheless shows the extent to which it is
impossible to dissociate the
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Callon, Rabeharisoa / Emergent Concerned Groups 243
political and scientific dimensions of the AFM’s
actions. We see why we
would be wrong to limit this history to laypersons’
engagement in research.
These emergent groups comprised of patients and their
families carry with
them the construction of new (genetic and prosthetic)
identities that beg for
recognition. It would also be wrong to conceive of the
organization’s history
in the same terms as that of a regular social movement
(Hess, forthcoming).
The detour via research and the integration of genes
in the construction of
an identity with an uncertain start cannot be
dissociated from the struggle
for the recognition of that identity.
In short, the AFM has managed to reconfigure the
collective in which we,
and MD patients, live. It would be more appropriate to
refer to a common
world, rather than a collective, for the result
obtained by the AFM is not limited
simply to the extension of the list of existing social
actors. MD patients
join the collective, entangled with their genes and
prostheses, and impose
new sociotechnical agencements (Callon 2007).
Their inclusion redefines not
only the constitution of the collective but also the
boundaries and relations
between society and nature, and the idea of a world
does justice to that heterogeneity.
This inclusion means that they are now able to
influence both the
industrial design and the commercialization of new
The AFM’s plan (Table 1) indicates precisely the road
to take to achieve
that reconfiguration: to structure and articulate
scientific, medical, and
social spaces so that they can host the gene and the
enabling prostheses as
operators of the link between patients and other human
Economic Markets, Technoscience, and the
Production of Emergent Concerned Groups
Before addressing the question of the mechanisms that
could explain the
emergence of concerned groups, it would be useful to
clarify the meaning
of the term, based on the example provided by the AFM.
A group is qualified
as concerned when its formation is strongly contingent
on the existence
of matters of concern shared by its members.
Initially, there may well have
been no particular relations between the members of
the still inchoate
group. Then, owing to the activities of some of them
and to the publicity
given to difficulties that first seem to be
individual, they gradually move
closer to one another as they share their emotions and
develop common
actions. Provided they become visible and explicit,
matters of concern then
serve to link up and to bind the members of the group.
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There are many different types of matters to be
concerned about. The
most interesting matters for us as far as this article
is concerned share three
characteristics that are clearly illustrated by the
AFM case:
1. The patients and their parents who formed the
association in the early
1960s were immersed in deep uncertainties:
although their diseases had
been given names, very little knowledge was available
about the nature of
the diseases, their causes, possible therapies, and
directions to be explored.
2. Faced with such difficulties and uncertainties,
they became engaged in
investigations and inquiries that sometimes led them to invest in
research and innovation. They then contributed to the
and organization of research collectives, mobilizing
not only members of
the group but also a whole range of professionals,
including researchers
and experts. They participated in the orientation of
research and development
and in the shaping and adjustment of the results
3. These investigations rapidly revealed a series of problems
or issues that
patients and their allies imputed to the
technosciences and to their modes
of development or organization. In the case of the AFM
these problems
stemmed from the low level of investment in research
and innovation
devoted to MD and, more generally, to compensation for
disabilities. But,
as shown below, technosciences, together with markets,
can generate
other types of issues.
In the following pages, we will consider only the
groups that are concerned,
like the AFM, with uncertainties related to
technoscience and, in
order to ease these uncertainties, have decided to
launch collective investigations:
the outcome will contribute to configuring their
nascent hybrid identity.
Furthermore, groups that are concerned can experience
many different
evolutions and transformations. We must keep in mind
that the history of
the AFM is very peculiar. Through the years and owing
to the actions
undertaken by the association, MD patients have ended
up forming a recognized
group. Their cause has become legitimate, and they
have gained
the resources and influence that enable them to
mobilize research, industry,
and political power to support their actions. This
type of success is fairly
rare. Many groups concerned are not able to thoroughly
and permanently
establish their existence; they remain in a state of
emergence and sometimes
end up disappearing.
This diversity of possible developments raises two
questions: one
concerning emergence as such and the other concerning
consolidation (or
disappearance). It could very well have been the case
that the scientific and
clinical investigations developed and supported by the
AFM failed to produce
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any viable solution. Or the cause of disabled persons
may never have resounded
in the French society, the Téléthon may have
been a total flop, industry may
have refused to consider rare diseases, the AFM may
not have had the political
skills it has proved to have, and so on. The
conditions of success and failure
are at least partly distinct from those of emergence.
In this article we concentrate
on the question of emergence, not only because it
precedes consolidation
or disappearance, but also because (a) it matches a
source of social
dynamics that has received very little attention until
now (the connection
between the development of the technosciences and the
proliferation of the
social) and (b) it raises a series of specific
questions related to the functioning
of economic markets as well as scientific and
political institutions.
The causes for the emergence of such groups that
become concerned by
uncertainties surrounding technoscientific
developments are numerous. In
the second part of this article, we focus on the role
of economic markets.
Economic markets play an important part in orienting
the development of
science and techniques and in selecting their
applications. First, we show
how, in general, they contribute toward the appearance
of matters of concern
and emergent concerned groups, which have the three
mentioned above. We distinguish two categories of
emergent concerned
groups that we call orphan groups and affected groups.
We then suggest that
the growing importance of the network as a modality of
economic coordination,
coupled with the transformation of the objects on
which science and
technology work, tend to accelerate the production of
emergent concerned
groups by economic markets.
Economic Markets
The application of science and technology studies and,
in particular, of the
ANT approach to the analysis of economic markets has
highlighted the
importance of their technological and material
components. In this perspective
markets are better described as collective
sociotechnical arrangements
that (a) organize the design, production, and
circulation of goods as well as
the transfer of the property rights attached to them,
and (b) construct a space
of calculation allowing the assessment and especially
the pricing of these
goods involved in their commercialization (Callon and
Muniesa 2005; Callon
and Caliskan 2007; MacKenzie 2006). Considered as a
collective sociotechnical
arrangement, an economic market is caught between
framing and overflowing:
it is the constant tension between these two demands
that explains
the emergence of matters of concern and, in
particular, the role of the technosciences
in that production (Callon 1998).
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To simplify, throughout the rest of this article we
consider only a subset of
all matters of concern produced by the framing of
markets and the resulting
overflowing, namely, those that lead to the appearance
of orphan groups
and affected groups, two categories of emergent
concerned groups.4
Framing and orphan groups. The appearance of orphan groups is related
to sociotechnical lock-ins, one of the most visible
consequences of the
framing, which allows economic markets to function as
collective calculating
devices. The phenomenon of sociotechnical lock-in has
been studied
from both the empirical and the theoretical points of
view. It is a particular
case of a more general mechanism: path dependency
(Callon and Cohendet
1999; Abbot 2001).
Sociotechnical lock-in reflects the privilege
progressively granted to
certain technical and scientific options. Due to
increasing returns to production
and adoption, economic agents (designers, producers,
distributors, and consumers)
prefer investing in existing technologies rather than
launching into
the exploration of alternatives. As these investments
are made, the framing of
markets becomes more difficult to question.
Sociotechnical lock-in thus
results in the drawing of a boundary that creates a
divide and introduces an
asymmetry between those agents that can participate in
the market and those
that are rejected by it. The latter can feel excluded
because existing markets
do not meet their demands and fail to take them into
consideration. In situations
of well established lock-in (yet always exceptional
and provisional), this
exclusion is particularly striking and strong: only
the supply and demand that
fit into selected technological options can be
expressed. Granovetter and
McGuire’s (1998) exemplary analysis of the history of
the U.S. electricity
industry, with its irreversible choices concerning
frequencies and production
technologies, is a perfect illustration of this type
of development. Another
example is the French civil nuclear industry. As Hecht
(1998) showed, the
choice of the light water technology, made in about
1970 by a small number
of actors, framed the development of the French
industry for several decades
and excluded other possible technological and economic
Because of the privilege given to a small number of
scientific and technical
options, some demands, needs, or expectations cannot
be taken into consideration.
The know-how and knowledge that would be necessary for
to be taken into account do not exist. This provides
the grounds for the
likely emergence of groups that, based on this fact,
decide to embark on
investigations that will enable them to explore new
options, to define more
clearly the problems facing them, and to seek possible
solutions. We have
borrowed the word “orphan” from David (1986) to
describe these groups
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that are excluded from the development of certain
markets and that therefore
explore alternative worlds.5 The AFM’s history is a
striking illustration of
such situations. In the early 1960s virtually no
clinical or biological research
existed on neuromuscular diseases. At the time of the
genetic boom and
without the intervention of patient organizations in
the United States and
Europe, and especially the AFM, these diseases would
have been probably
considered as secondary (or treated simply as
Examples abound of such situations in which orphan
groups mobilize.
Their matter of concern is the fact of not or no
longer being taken into
account in the development of markets. By fighting
against exclusion, they are
struggling for a fairer allocation of resources
devoted to the technosciences.7
Case studies attest to the diversity of the strategies
followed and the forms
of organization opted for by orphan groups to escape
from situations of
lock-in and the exclusions they produce.8
The example of Linux (von Krogh and von Hippel 2003)
shows that the
engagement of what are known as lay people is but one
prospect among
many others. The frame imposed by Microsoft in the
form of an economic
monopoly based on sociotechnological lock-in was at
the origin of the
emergence of orphan groups closely concerned with this
situation. Most of
these groups consisted of computer scientists
determined to fight against
Microsoft’s economic and technical monopoly. The
history of Linux shows
that emergent concerned groups are not necessarily
formed around laypersons
(Linus Torvalds, the initiator of the movement, was a
Finnish student)
even if they soon include them. In the cases of both
the AFM and Linux,
there are orphan groups that are concerned and
preoccupied by an ongoing
framing that prevents their demands, expectations, and
projects from being
taken into consideration. In both cases these groups
invent other forms of
organization of research and innovation that are
original compared to the
open science or private innovation models. But in the
case of Linux it is
professionals who take the initiative, while in the
AFM it is laypersons. In
short, there are several ways of being orphaned and
various strategic
options for no longer being so.
One of the common characteristics of lockout
strategies is the redefinition
of the list of actors (the so-called stakeholders) who
mobilize and coordinate
to organize the exploration of new paths, to reorient
research, and
(possibly) to find solutions to the problems
encountered and thus to overcome
situations of exclusion. The inclusion of new actors
and issues can
eventually (although not necessarily) result in a
reframing of the markets
themselves that are strongly incited to take into
account new preoccupations,
as in the case of AFM. Callon’s work (1980b) on the
electric vehicle
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and the research and innovations related to it in the
1960s in France and
Steve Epstein’s work (1995) on AIDS and clinical
trials could be reformulated
along the same lines. What counts is not so much the
fact that laypersons
are active or that unexpected experts decide to enter
the field; it is the forms
of organization and coordination that these orphan
groups promote: open
hybrid collectives; distributed action and cognition;
flexible coordination,
often in the form of networks, and never in the form
of paradigmatic
groups; and the possible inclusion of laypersons.
Overflowing and affected groups. The framing needed for markets to
function cannot be total. This impossibility does not
correspond to what
economists call market failure. It is the price to pay
for a market to function,
irrespective of its form as a sociotechnical agencement.
Because they are
framed, markets overflow. The hunt for overflowing
involves new framing
that triggers new overflowing and so on.9 Market
overflowing is a second
source of emergence of concerned groups. Economists
refer to externalities
but, for reasons explained elsewhere, we prefer the
more general concept of
To draw up a systematic inventory of the overflowing
associated with the
functioning of markets, one needs simply to revert to
the description of the
sociotechnical arrangements comprising them (Callon
and Muniesa 2005).
Overflowing can affect—either independently or
agencies, or systems of relations established between
agencies and goods.
In the following, to simplify, we consider a limited
subset of overflowing
that is well documented from both an empirical and a
theoretical point of
view and is closely associated with technoscientific
The first category of such overflowing consists of
those that are generated
by goods and their circulation. They correspond more
or less to the externalities
described by economists. Examples of such overflowings
invisible prions that escape from firms and jump over
species barriers, electromagnetic
fields that frighten people living close to mobile
antennae, toxic waste, greenhouse gases, asbestos,
transgenic plants that no
one is sure can be confined forever, and so forth.
This overflowing can
entail costs for those who suffer because of it; it
can threaten health and
destroy the beauty of landscapes. But it can also have
positive effects in all
the sectors covered by the generic terms “culture” or “knowledge.”
encapsulating know-how and knowledge can overflow and
make available
to third parties resources that they use to develop
their own lines of investigation
and possibly to produce new goods. That is why it is
preferable to
refer to affected groups rather than hurt groups, the
term used in some of
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Callon’s earlier writings (2003). One can be affected
by overflowing without
necessarily suffering on account of it. What matters
is that the affection
triggers actions, explorations, and investigations.
Collectives are formed that
have the same characteristics of hybridization and distributed
as those previously encountered. Examples abound
(Brown 1992; Brown
et al. 2006), but we would like to mention a
particular study by a Japanese
colleague devoted to a disease called itai-itai that
affected people living
downstream from a mine. This story is interesting
because it describes the
creation of a collective (over a twenty-year period)
that included the people
living near the mine, university researchers and their
equipment and instruments,
lawyers, and then gradually engineers and researchers
from the mine,
politicians, and, finally, cadmium itself with its
unexpected circulation and
reactions. This collective not only solved the problem
of cadmium overflowing
(and the taming of it), it also contributed to innovations
that made the
mine cleaner, economically more efficient, and
socially more responsible
(Kaji 2004).
Economic agents can also be the source of overflowing.
One of the best
documented cases is that of engineers, researchers, or
technicians who
leave their firm or research center and put their
competencies, know-how,
or social networks to the service of new projects.
Because of the framings
that restrict their initiatives within the
organization in which they work,
they try their luck elsewhere. From the point of view
developed in this article,
this type of overflowing is particularly productive
when these mobile professionals
enter into partnerships with existing emergent orphan
groups. It
was indeed in cooperation with researchers
marginalized by their institutions
that the AFM was able to explore new research paths at
the beginning
of its existence.
The Proliferation of Emergent Concerned Groups
Economic markets are sociotechnical arrangements whose
framings and
overflowings trigger the appearance of groups
(orphaned or affected)
concerned by the development and applications of the
There is good reason to believe that the production of
such concerned
groups will intensify or accelerate. This acceleration
is explained both by
the introduction of new forms of organization of
markets (networking) and
by the evolution of the content of the technosciences
themselves. Once
again, to simplify we will mention only some aspects
of this proliferation.
To illustrate our argument we have deliberately taken
examples only from
the health field.
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Increasing overflowing. Networks as a form of coordination and organization
of economic markets are becoming increasingly
predominant (Callon
1992; Amin and Cohendet 2004). Certain reasons for
this trend are related to
the emergence of what some call a new innovation
regime (Joly and Hervieu
2003). This regime is characterized by the
establishment of flexible cooperation
between the multiple and heterogeneous actors who are
often spread
throughout different regions or countries (academic
research labs, consultancy
firms, public regulatory agencies, government
services, firms engaged
in subcontracting, local authorities, and consumers).
Innovation is thus the
result of numerous interactions between a growing
number of diverse actors
(DeBresson and Amesse 1991). These relations of
cooperation, organized
into techno-economic networks, are accompanied by
competition that is no
longer between firms but between networks fighting
against each other to
impose their own innovations. Techno-economic networks
therefore have to
demonstrate their capacity to react and adapt; the
alliances that they enter into
constantly change and evolve. This form of
organization—characterized by
both an intensification and a constant reconfiguration
of connections, flows,
exchanges, and circulations that take place gradually
along with changes of
configuration—has multiple opportunities for
overflowing. It becomes quite
difficult and even impossible for actors to monitor
and control all the movements
of all circulating entities. Leakages in markets
organized as networks
of innovation are more difficult and more costly to
prevent than in traditional
markets. These overflowings, always difficult to
identify, generate matters of
concern, especially due to their possible effects on
human health. Many sanitary
matters of concern are directly associated with the
potential overflowing
of networks (e.g., genetically modified organisms,
bovine spongiform
encephalopathy, and blood contamination).
The evolution of the technosciences and their content
increases as well this
propensity that markets have to overflow. First, the
development of network
technologies amplifies markets’ tendency to organize
themselves in networks
and accentuates the difficulties of framing their
functioning. Second, private
or public-sector R&D laboratories constantly
produce new beings or entities
that have to find a place in our societies. Rising
R&D budgets, along with
researchers’ greater productivity, automatically
produce a demographic expansion
of these new beings. To put it plainly, due to the
growing investments in
technological innovations, our societies are becoming
more and more cluttered
with nonhuman beings, so it is increasingly difficult
for a new product or
entity to find its place. This difficulty is all the
greater since, as we have seen,
the acceleration of innovation often goes hand in hand
with the concentration
of innovative activities on the exploitation of
existing trajectories
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rather than on the exploration of new options
(sociotechnical lock-in).
Often this creates an incentive to slacken the
requirements on new products
or services: research intended to study their possible
overflowing is carried
out less rigorously, so they can be substituted more
easily for existing products.
A clear illustration of this trend is the
pharmaceutical industry, where
new drugs are intended mostly as substitutes for
existing ones. This concentration
makes substitution more and more difficult. As a
result, there is
a strong temptation for pharmaceuticals (and
regulatory bodies) to launch
and authorize products whose overflowing is less well
framed (in this case
they produce secondary effects that are disregarded:
Pignarre 2003; Abraham
and Lewis 2002). This laxness can trigger protest by
affected groups.
Third, the technosciences contribute in an even more
original way to the
accelerated production of overflowing. One way of
identifying this contribution
is by underscoring the differences between
disciplinary regimes and
changes in their hierarchy. The physical sciences have
a propensity to shape
well-framed, purified entities and objects, in short,
entities and objects
whose behavior scarcely changes when they move from
the laboratory into
society. A CD-ROM driver acts in (almost) the same way
in the laboratory
as in a private home. With chemistry, by contrast,
things start becoming more
complicated. The chemical substances that share our
lives and sometimes
facilitate them are constantly acting, reacting,
combining, and triggering
chain reactions (chemical terminology attests to this
activity). In short, they are
less predictable, more difficult to frame, and the
source of sudden overflowing
or even explosion. Finally, with biology,
biotechnology, and especially genomics,
the difference is even greater. Entities are not
simply reactive; they live their
lives, even once they have left the laboratory. What
happens within the laboratory
does not make it possible to foresee entirely what is
likely to happen
outside. For a life science object, existing is
overflowing (Bonneuil, Joly,
and Marris 2008 [this issue]). A vector used to
transfer a gene is alive; a cell
in which a foreign gene has been introduced can become
cancerous and
proliferate in unexpected ways. The recent book by
Kupiec and Sonigo
(2003) has shown this proliferation by pointing out
that with recent developments
in genetics, the preceding model and its reductionism
have been
seriously challenged (see also Fox-Keller 1996; Rose
and Novas 2005). It
is increasingly difficult to liken the gene to a
program and the gene’s action
to the accomplishment of that program because of
numerous interactions,
interdependencies, feedbacks, and random events. Here
again, the disciplinary
repertoire is telling, with its distinction between in
vitro experiments,
experiments on live models, and in vivo experiments.
These entities out of
life science laboratories are thoroughly social, and
they mix with us by living
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their own lives, which we have to take into account
(Rémondet 2004). With
them, matters of concern and, consequently, emergent
groups will undoubtedly
Transformations of the technosciences coupled with the
prevalence of networks contribute to the proliferation
of opportunities for
overflowing and consequently to the proliferation of
matters of concern
leading to the emergence of affected groups.
Stronger framing. Competition between techno-economic networks
the opportunities for overflowing. But network markets
produce strong framing for at least three reasons.
First, they favor forms
of externalities (network externalities) that generate
increasing returns to both
production and consumption and, consequently, lock in
trajectories: technoeconomic
networks become irreversible and spread (Callon 1992).
Second, and more subtly, competition between
techno-economic networks
results in increasing singularization of products
proposed to consumers. In
this growing form of economic competition each
consumer, user, or beneficiary
of a service is differentiated from the others; each
network tends to
establish a (temporary) monopoly enabling it to
harness a specific demand
that it has actively coproduced with the consumer or
user. In this strategic
configuration, a network organization is a huge asset.
It makes it possible to
assemble competencies and know-how that allow for
viable fine-tuning between
supply and demand (Callon 1995). This trend affects
numerous markets and,
as highlighted by Nunes (2003), especially the health
field where its effects
are becoming increasingly visible. For example, even in
the case of cancer,
which is a well-known and widespread disease, “the set
of diseases [under the
label of cancer] can be defined as the outcome of
polygenic dynamics, a
range of factors acting on different levels or scales
of biological organizations
and multiple intersections of one and the other with
environmental processes,
social organization, life styles and consumer
practices, available medical
technologies and access to the latter, timely
interventions of health professionals
and the existence and effectiveness of adequate
environmental and
public health policies” (Nunes 2003).
The technosciences contribute to this growing tendency
toward singularization,
as is clearly the case in the health sector with the
rise of
genomics and proteomics: each human being can be
characterized, at least
in principle, as an ill being, in his or her own way
that is different from
other human beings. It follows that due to the very
fact of this singularization,
diseases are destined to become rare and consequently
with the prospect of becoming orphans.10 Generally
speaking, for the firm
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Callon, Rabeharisoa / Emergent Concerned Groups 253
the individualization of the offer allowed by the
endless differentiation of
customer profiles is a considerable asset since it
implies close collaboration
with its customers and consequently allows their
attachment and loyalty
(Callon, Méadel, and Rabeharisoa 2002; von Hippel
2004). But in exchange
the firm, for the sake of economic viability, has to
construct families of
individual profiles that permit a form of
rationalization (e.g., through modularization)
of production and distribution. The result of individualization
might be the exclusion of the most heterodox and
heteronomous profiles,
those that cannot be related to prevalent classes. To
stick to the health sector
example, therapies will perhaps—and here we are
speculating—be targeted
at certain genetic profiles or terrains, that is, the
most frequent, the
most similar, and . . . the most lucrative. Some
empirical findings point to
a strategic evolution of this nature. The AFM, for
instance, recently introduced
the concept of a model disease: faced with the endless
of rare genetic diseases and especially neuromuscular
diseases, the organization
tries to reconstruct families of diseases that could
possibly be treated by
similar therapies (Callon 2006). This reframing
intended to manage the proliferation
of orphan patients inevitably leads to new exclusions:
model diseases
and the therapies they involve exclude certain
According to Lakoff (forthcoming) the personalization
of medicine
(using the technological platform of pharmacogenomics)
that gives pharmaceutical
companies opportunities to market toward specific
patients subgroups
is frequently difficult to implement due to technical
and commercial
reasons. An alternative strategy, also based on
pharmacogenomics, is the following:
instead of considering that drugs and therapies have
targets, one must define “illness in term[s] of that
drug or therapy to which
it responds: a successful response tells us what the
person is suffering from.
. . . The task is then to find the right patients,
those on whom the drug shows
demonstrable effects, and consequently to delineate
the most salient population
as [one] of drug responders” (Lakoff, forthcoming).
This strategy is still
a powerful device for drawing boundaries between
persons who are included
and others who are excluded. Thus, by personalizing
medicine or by finding
the right patient for the right drug, firms try
(rather successfully) to overcome
the problem of the increasing costs of clinical
trials. In any case pharmacogenomics
could lead to therapeutic innovations and to families
of drugs
that delimit the population and enact the identity of
the patients who can be
treated (see also Pignarre 2001). As Lakoff
(forthcoming) notes, “These new
pharmaceutical circuits function both to include and
to exclude patients from
Under the effect of this coupling of markets as
networks and the life sciences,
we witness the proliferation of orphan diseases and
consequently of
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254 Science, Technology, & Human Values
orphan patients who, whether enraged or not, will be
ready for protest and
mobilization. This rareness, constantly produced and
extended by the joint
action of sciences and markets, entails formidable
problems of justice. It is no
longer a matter of conceiving of an equitable
distribution of existing goods
between well-identified individuals and groups. The
question is situated
higher upstream, in the allocation of resources
required for the conception
and production of goods (e.g., new therapies) that do
not yet exist and are
intended for groups whose numbers and identity are not
known with precision.
This evolution and the mobilization it spurs have
become visible. For
example, the number of rare diseases, whose
identification and diagnosis
are partly related to the pervasiveness of genetics,
is increasing rapidly and,
along with it, so is the number of orphan diseases.
The coprofiling of diseases,
patients, and treatments seems inexorable. In France
(as in other countries),
this has resulted in the constitution of the Alliance
Maladies Rares (Alliance
for Rare Diseases) that aggregates matters of concern
to groups that sometimes
have no more than ten members. Their slogan is “diseases
are rare but
patients are numerous” (four million people are said
to be concerned in
France today).12
A third reason for which networks accentuate the force
and debatability
of framing is that the question of the limits to
impose on the market constantly
arises. The proliferation of cooperation and alliances
has to be made
compatible with the appropriation and distribution of
profits generated by
the delivery of goods and services to consumers. The
more networks
spread, become complex, and multiply, the more crucial
issues of framing
market relations become. This is reflected primarily
in intense controversies
and conflicts about the definition and attribution of
intellectual property
rights. Such debates are particularly visible in the
case of the so-called
commercialization (or privatization) of academic
science (Dasgupta and
David 1994). Apart from the tug of war between two
institutions that try to
maintain their own autonomy and decision-making
capacity (open science
versus private science), it is the balance between
exploration and exploitation,
between reinforcement of existing trajectories and
maintenance of
diversity, that is at play (Callon 1994). These
questions that apply to all sectors
are more acute in the biological field, where it is
becoming increasingly
difficult to draw a line between so-called basic (and
therefore open)
research and so-called applied (and therefore private)
research (Sampat
2006). This demand for stronger and more controlled
framing of property
rights is a source of concern for groups that may
believe they have been
excluded by such frames. One of their claims concerns
a revision of the
modalities of allocating property rights: in the
health field, patient organizations
are increasingly aware of these problems.
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To sum up, as a tentative conclusion to this section,
we would simply like
to say that as illustrated in the case of the health
sector, the joint and intertwined
evolution of the technosciences and economic markets
leads, through
the dual process of framing and overflowing, to the
proliferation of matters
of concern related to the orientations and
applications of science and techniques.
These matters of concern are characterized by strong
uncertainties that
might prompt the people concerned to embark on
collective investigations
intended to clarify problems, to identify possible
solutions, and to elaborate
an identity that largely depends on the results
Concluding Remarks
The first aim of this article was to present the
concept of emergent concerned
groups. Taking the example of the AFM, we highlighted
some of the
characteristics of these groups whose creation and
trajectories are related
by actors themselves to the appearance of matters of
concern produced by
the development of the technosciences. Faced with deep
uncertainties and
ignorance, they embark on investigations that enable
them progressively to
construct an identity that can be described as a
sociotechnical assemblage.
At the same time they try to arrange the collective as
well as economic
activities in such a way that they can find their
We then posited a possible proliferation of these
emergent concerned
groups. Economic markets, designed as sociotechnical
arrangements, produce
matters of concern related to the mechanisms of
framing and overflowing.
The upsurge and increasing pervasiveness of the form
of market organization
described as techno-economic networks triggers an
acceleration of this
process. The main result is a proliferation of
affected groups and orphan groups,
to be observed especially in the health field. The
quantitative and qualitative
evolution of the technosciences contributes toward
this acceleration.
As the AFM example clearly shows, these groups are not
simply an
extension of the list of regular stakeholders usually
referred to in governance
literature such as public authorities, firms, academic
researchers, consumers,
and so forth. They disrupt the conventional definition
of social roles and their
division, and they highlight the limits of existing
economic, political, and
scientific institutions. First, due to the instability
of constantly evolving identities,
interests, expectations, and projects characterizing
these nascent groups
(instability related to the uncertainties surrounding
matters of concern), the
fact that established markets could take into account
their demands and needs
is highly problematic. For example, it was only after
heavy investments in
Callon, Rabeharisoa / Emergent Concerned Groups 255
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research, over a long period of time, that MD patients
were able to specify
their demands and to frame industrial developments.
Second, taking their
existence into account politically is difficult in the
framework of institutional
apparatus that we have described as being structured
around a double delegation:
delegation of political representation to quasi
professionals of politics
and delegation of the definition of research and
innovation activities to professional
scientists. This double delegation indeed makes the
existence of
legitimate spokespersons difficult in their ability to
express identities or
interests that are still inchoate. What emergent
concerned groups question,
at least on the fringes, is the double-delegation
model (Callon 2003).
These last remarks point to the necessity of
developing more theoretical
and empirical research in order to gain a better
understanding of how emergent
concerned groups could eventually contribute to the
reconfiguration of
relations between technoscience, politics, and
To begin with, and this applies to all sectors, quantitative
analyses ought to
be undertaken. In the health field, the French case,
for which we are starting
to have substantial data, confirms the growing
importance of emergent concerned
groups in research activities as well as their
presence in the public
sphere to defend the new identities that their
engagement in research
enables them to construct. First, we have undertaken
the compilation of a
database on patient organizations and their
investments in research. This
database shows that 118 of the 213 organizations on
which data were collected
have a scientific committee and 84 finance research
projects. Second,
the creation in 2000 of The Alliance Maladies Rares
is proof of the upsurge
of emergent concerned groups in the health sphere and
on the French
scientific and political scene. The number of
organizations that have joined
The Alliance has more than tripled in three years, and
current membership
totals 141 organizations. One of the alliance’s
objectives is to promote a
research policy coupled with demands for full
citizenship of people with
rare diseases. Actions undertaken include the creation
of an institute for rare
diseases, intended to promote research in this area,
as well as the organization
of international congresses on rare diseases and handicaps,
bringing together
patients and their families, medical professionals,
researchers, and representatives
of the public authorities and pharmaceutical industry.
It would be
interesting to extend such surveys to other countries.
Furthermore, it would be useful to identify, from both
an analytical and
an empirical point of view, the economic sectors and
domains that (or which), like health are increasingly
contributing toward
the emergence of concerned groups. What is true for
health probably also
applies to sectors in which networked organizations
exist and where the
256 Science, Technology, & Human Values
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level of unpredictability of goods is high and R&D
is intensive (Bonneuil and
Thomas 2004). Qualitative as well as quantitative
investigations in these
sectors have yet to be undertaken in a systematic way.
Third, the questions of emergent groups’ ability to
impose their presence
in the public sphere, to really reconfigure markets,
and to weigh in on the
orientation and organization of research and
innovation are other areas requiring
investigation. The question regarding the influence of
national institutional
contexts is worth asking. Comparative studies would be
useful for determining
the extent to which national frames amplify or curb
these trends.
Finally, despite the increasing role of concerned
groups, a romantic view
of direct democracy and the historical revenge of
laypersons on experts
would be a serious misinterpretation. Concerned
groups, both orphan and
affected, are doubtlessly actors that contribute
toward the constitution of
research collectives of a new kind, collectives that
are more open, flexible,
and distributed. When they are successful, these
collectives produce networks
of alliances that generally result in a
reorganization, and not in an upheaval,
of the modes of functioning of markets (e.g., by
amending the intellectual
property regime) and/or of scientific institutions.
Moreover, despite their
openness, these collectives draw new boundaries; they
re-enclose after opening
up. When they are related to scientific and technical
areas such as genomics,
and when they articulate political advocacy to their
research activities, they
might impose new models of collectives and
subjectivities. For example, the
engagement of patient organizations in genetic
research causes them to favor
forms of collective life and subjectivity that some
observers describe by
means of concepts such as genetic subjectivity and
genetic citizenship
(Callon and Rabeharisoa 2004).13 In addition, as the
case of the AFM shows,
their success could cause them to turn into more
conservative concerned
groups with perfectly stabilized interests and firmly
established power: emergence
is a transitional property. A great deal of work is
required to determine
whether, as some people claim, the engagement of such
(emergent) concerned
groups into economic and political life will make the
appearance of a
regime of innovation possible.14
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